Transportation To Phuket FantaSea

If you opt to use our “FantaSea Transfer Service”, please contact our reservation hotline for transportation services to guarantee availability. If a reservation has been made, please be ready at the Main Lobby* of your hotel at least 5 minutes before pick up time and present your Name and Reservation Code to our chauffeur before boarding.

* Note that some hotels may have more than 1 lobby. Please inquire with the hotel reception to make sure that you wait at the Main Lobby where our van can be found.

It is our firm commitment to provide as timely a service as possible. Nevertheless, there are regrettably many factors beyond our control that could delay our transfer. We respectfully ask for your kind patience and understanding. If our van is more than 15 minutes late, please kindly contact us for assistance.

If you have not made any reservation and wish to “hop on” one of our vans, please contact our chauffeur for seat availability and assistance.

Return Transportation to Hotels

Our return transportation service begins after the show ends. When you wish to return, please contact the transfer counter located at the front of the park for transportation back to your lodgings. Our “FantaSea Transfer Service” van service will leave approximately every 10 minutes or so until midnight.

Car Park

Car Park is free for Park guests. Our Car Park can accommodate up to 750 cars or 200 coaches at any one time.

© 2021 Phuket FantaSea Public Company Limited. All Rights Reserved.